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Personal Development

Our Personal Development programme enriches life at Windhill21 and supports our vision to empower young people to take on the world. Our broad, well-planed range of opportunities and experiences aim to ensure children leave Windhill21 as well-rounded, tolerant and respectful individuals who understand their role in contributing to their community.

Our Values

Pupil Roles & Responsibilities

Head Pupils

The Head Pupils carry out a range of important duties, including attending meetings with staff and taking assemblies. They are given the opportunity to contribute to whole school development, as well as to manage a small budget. 

Head Pupils: Menia, Phoebe, Oscar and Ethan






House Captains

We have five houses in school: Mexico, Sweden, France, India and Canada, which reflect the school's international ethos.  Every pupil is allocated to a house when they arrive at Windhill21. Each House has a house captain from year 6 to represent them.

Play Leaders

Play Leaders are a group of caring and responsible Year 6 children who have been trained to organise activities for other children on the playground. They encourage children to join in games and to extend their friendships. The leadership skills that they have been taught will also help to raise self-esteem, self-confidence and encourage physical activity.

A Play Leader should aim to have the following qualities at Windhill21:

  • To be a great role model
  • Be Kind
  • Be able to help other children
  • Respect equipment
  • Be honest, reliable and trustworthy
  • To be a good team member

Aims of Play Leaders at Windhill21:

  • To provide a safe area for children to practise their social skills
  • To develop friendships between pupils
  • To encourage problem-solving
  • To teach pupils appropriate skills and games
  • To be a good role model for their peers


Librarians help to ensure that the library is neat and tidy and that all books are returned to the correct shelves.  They also assist younger year groups with using the computer system to return and borrow books.

Global Goal Champions

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030.  At Windhill21 we have Global Goals Champions to ensure that we are doing the best we can to meet the Goals as a community. The role of the Champions is to raise awareness of the Global Goals and the importance they have both locally and globally.  They work on projects in our school such as eco-initiatives and fundraising. We are also partnered with St Veronica’s Community School in Uganda and work with the Ugandan students to raise awareness of the climate change and justice and peace global goals. 

International Schools Award

We are delighted to announce that Miss Crawford recently ventured to London to the Houses of Parliament, to collect the prestigious International Schools Award on behalf of Windhill21. "This accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and hard work of Miss Crawford and the entire Humanities team. Their commitment to providing a well-rounded and globally focused education has truly set Windhill21 apart"

House Summit

The House Summit is run by our Year 6 House Captains and takes place every half term during the afternoon.

The House Captains represent the views of all the pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 and consider ways to improve their school. The children discuss matters about their learning and school life and raise any concerns with Mrs Wood or Mrs Myers, the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher of the school.

Windhill21 firmly believe that young people have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling in general.  The House Summit gives them direct experience of debating and negotiating issues and enables them to see the 'bigger picture' of how the whole school is run.

Windhill21 Agents

Windhill21 Agents 

Think High! Secret Agents

Our Windhill21 Secret Agents support children to have a ‘Growth Mindset’. When we have a ‘growth mindset’ we will try new things, persevere when times are difficult and learn from our mistakes.  We can solve problems and communicate our thoughts and ideas. When we have a ‘fixed mindset’ we may not rise to a challenge and may be worried about making mistakes.

Through the use of the ‘Think High Agents’ in everyday school life the children become aware of not just what they learn, but also how they learn.  These attributes are linked to a visual image and a name to make it more tangible for the children.

At the end of each week in whole school assembly, a child from each class is presented with a ‘secret agent award’.  An agent is chosen as the focus for each week and the teacher writes a brief description about the reason they have been given the award.

Our Secret Agents are displayed around the school and in every classroom so that children become familiar with them.


Extra-Curricular Clubs

Here at Windhill21 we are lucky enough to be able to provide a wide range of after school clubs. Please click here for more information. (link to clubs page which sits under Parents & Carers tab)